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Interview on Singapore Tonight (CNA)

Tobias Massier live@CNA, 18/07/2023

18 July 2023

On 18 July 2023, Alessandro Romagnoli and myself were live on Singapore Tonight on CNA talking about our join project on exploring the geothermal power potential of Singapore.

Following NTU's and TUMCREATE's press release on the findings of our joint project Geothermal‐driven technologies for passive enabling of urban sustainability solutions, CNA invited Lead PIs Alessandro Romagnoli and myself for an interview.
Alessandro was joining via videoconferencing software from Italy, while I was sitting live in the studio.

We explained how the project came about, potential applications of geothermal power in Singapore, and the role geothermal power could play in Singapore's decarbonisation journey.
Watch the video or the whole programme by following one of the first two links below.

“Singapore Tonight” on CNA is one of the top TV news programmes in Singapore.
It features news and reports of the day. Sometimes, guests are invited into the studio.

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